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Titel der Veröffentlichung: Long-term ophthalmic health care in Usher syndrome type I from an ICF perspective

Bibliographische Angaben


Möller, Kerstin; Eriksson, Kristina; Sadeghi, Andre M. [u. a.]


k. A.


Disability and Rehabilitation, 2009, Volume 31 (Issue 15), Seite 1283-1292, London: Informa Healthcare, ISSN: 0963-8288, eISSN: 1464-5165



Der Text ist von:
Möller, Kerstin; Eriksson, Kristina; Sadeghi, Andre M. [u. a.]

Der Text steht in der Zeitschrift:
Disability and Rehabilitation, Volume 31 (Issue 15), Seite 1283-1292

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Long-term ophthalmic health care in Usher syndrome type I from an ICF perspective.

The aim was to explore ophthalmic health care in female patients with Usher Syndrome type I (USH I) over 20 years and to evaluate the relationship between the ophthalmic health careand the health state of the patients from a health perspective.
A retrospective study of records from ophthalmology departments (OD) and low vision clinics (LVC) from 1985 to 2004. Assessment of the reports was performed based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Findings were analysed by manifest content analysis with ICF as a framework and using four themes: health care system, procedure examinations, patient's functioning and disability and procedure actions.
The records of nine female patients (aged 25-39 years, 1985) with USH I were selected from the national database of USH. A great number of notes were collected (OD 344 and LVC 566). Procedure examinations were exclusively oriented towards body structure and function. All patients showed aggravated visual impairment over and above the hearing and vestibular impairment. Procedure actions were oriented towards environmental factors. No correlation was found between procedures performed and patient's experience of disability.
The high degree of resource allocation was not correlated to the patients' impairment. The study indicates that the ophthalmic health care was characterised by inefficiency. This conclusion is very serious because patients very likely face severe disability and emotional difficulties. ICF is ought to be incorporated in ophthalmic health care strategy to improve the health care.



Informationsstand: 19.03.2010